Exploration of the Printerverse continues...thanks to my friends

In my most recent post at Print Media Centr, I announce that I will be participating in PRINT 17, one of the US's largest print and graphic communications events, and I give thanks to the people I've met in the Printerverse who give me the reasons and the means to attend. I don't call them out by name in the piece, but I'm thinking of people like Deborah Corn (Print Media Centr), Sandy Hubbard (Marketing Expert and PMC contributor), Cindy Walas (Integrated Media Solutions expert), Richard Dannenberg (Marketing Expert), Robert Young (Miralupa, AR technology provider), Scott Eganhouse (TecMailing), the Advertising Production Club of New York (APC-NYC), and my #PrintChat friends.

image via Print Media Centr

image via Print Media Centr

As I shared in a previous post on this site, relationships with good people have kept opportunities coming in the Printerverse that have nothing to do with the organization through which I first entered this space. This amuses me to no end.

Read the piece here: http://www.printmediacentr.com/2017/07/25/thank-you-i-am-going-to-print-17/

Yes, going hard on kindness is the wave in my professional and personal spaces. And to all of my friends who have given me further evidence of the practicality of that approach, enjoy the Daniel Tiger clip I've embedded for your pleasure: